Individual and Family Support

Information and Resources 

If you are on the Developmental Disability Waiver Wait List you may be able to access the Individual and Family Support Program (IFSP) and  Support Coordination/Case Management. 

Support Coordination/Case Management - Community Services Board

Support Coordinator (SC) (sometimes called a Case Manager) provides support coordination known as Targeted Case Management (TCM) services for people with Developmental Disabilities (DD). Support Coordination assists people in gaining access to needed programs, medical, social, educational and other services. A Support Coordinator is responsible for developing and maintaining the Individual Support Plan (ISP) with the person, their family and substitute decision-maker (as applicable), and other team members designated by the person. A Support Coordinator is responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the provision of services included in the Individual Services Plan.
Click for more information about Support Coordination. 

Individual and Family Support Program Funding - VA Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
The Individual and Family Support Program-Funding is designed to assist children and adults on the waiting list for the Developmental Disability Waiver Program to access short-term resources, supports, and services that will help them remain in their home. 

IFSP-Funding provides funding to children/adults who are on Virginia’s DD waiver waitlist. Individuals with a developmental disability who are on the DD waitlist or their family member are eligible to apply. IFSP funds cover the cost of a very wide variety of items and supports to help the child/adult living in their own home or their family home.
To get information about the IFSP including IFSP Funding announcements, subscribe to the email list.




DARS - Virginia Lifetime Respite Program 

A Mothers Rest

Camps - disability and non-disability may work.  Camp Baker, Easter Seal, Google is Your Friend for more options.  

TIP - Ask, ask - your Community Services Board for local respite resources, - people you know for resources, your Medicaid Care Coordinator.