Yes, You can work and keep benefits!
Training and Supports
The Virginia Dept. of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) provides an array of employment and disability related services.
Youth at age 14 are eligible to access their Pre-Employment Training Services (Pre-ETS).
Developmental Disability Medicaid Waiver provides a variety of employment training and related services.
Work Incentive Programs and Resources
If you are working or are interested in working, you may continue to receive Social Security benefits and maintain benefits including Medicaid by utilizing work incentive programs.
The WIPA Project provides help with Work Incentives Planning. Community Work Incentives Counselors and Benefits Specialists provide Social Security Administration disability beneficiaries (including yo transition-to-work aged youth age 14+) benefits planning and assistance services to help individuals with disabilities meet their employment goals.
To find the WIPA in your area call 1-866-968-7842(Ticket to Work)
DD Medicaid Waiver Benefits Planning helps people with the DD Waiver and Social Security to understand their personal benefits and explore options for employment Contact your DD Waiver Case Manager/Support Coordinator for this service.
Medicaid Works allows enrollees to continue Medicaid and have resources up to $46,340 and annual earnings of up to $75,000. Medicaid Works requires that you enroll before your monthly income goes above $1563/month and resources of no more than $2,000.00 if single; $3,000 is married. (2022).
Working and Receiving Benefits Guide: The Red Book is a reference source about the employment-related provisions of the Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security Income Programs.